Late October brought Halloween. I let the girls go to the door with me and both were very good with the kids and the costumes and parade of people down the sidewalk. Wish I could have gotten pictures, but not enough hands. The end of Oct also brought the last of the late season rides in the mountains.
In November the annual ISSR Shiloh Shepherd calander competition took place and we found out a puppy picture of hers from last spring will make Sunny 'Miss May' for 2009. -grin- Sunny got her annual physical about this time too and was confirmed to be a happy, healthy one year old. She was even happier in mid-December when my winter layoff started!
In November the annual ISSR Shiloh Shepherd calander competition took place and we found out a puppy picture of hers from last spring will make Sunny 'Miss May' for 2009. -grin- Sunny got her annual physical about this time too and was confirmed to be a happy, healthy one year old. She was even happier in mid-December when my winter layoff started!
In December winter started in earnest on the Western Slopes of Colorado, and really kicked in the week after my layoff began right as we were moving to our new house (about 45 min west). Our older dog, Cupcake, was nervous about the move, but Sunny loves both the snow and new things to see so had a great December!
(No, she doesn't have an underbite - she just makes funny faces for the camera sometimes!)
Now it is January and we are all settled in the new house. We start a new obedience class this week, and there are a couple of IABCA shows within traveling distace in the next couple of months, so looking forward to showing her in conformation.
Sunny's Delta Pet Partners registration became official just as we arrived at the new house. I contacted the local Pet Partners group and we were set up right away in the Read to a Dog program at a local elementary school. Last week was our first visit to the school and I was so proud of my girl! Only a year old and such a new setting for her, and she did SO great. She was calm and relaxed the whole time. She settled on the dog bed set out for her after greeting the other 2 volunteer teams, and lay quietly for over an hour while different children came in every 15 minutes to read to the 3 dogs. She enjoyed meeting them and gave kisses to the ones who got their faces close enough :-)The kids were very sweet and enjoy reading to the dogs (the children with reading problems sign up to be in the program if they want to participate and there is a waiting list of kids wanting to join.) The purpose of the program is that chilren with reading problems can read out loud to a non-judgemental doggy audience and be motivated by the unique setting for reading. The program is nation-wide and has shown to be effective at improving reading skills.
We are doing the orientation for the hospital next and hope to be doing hospital visits soon too.
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