At the end of February Sunny graduated from kindergarten, where the instructor said she was well beyond her age level in obedience. She never joined in the puppy playtime as the high energy in that small room made her prefer to observe instead, though she has met a few older dogs and has been friendly with them all. To celebrate graduation she also graduated from sleeping in her crate at night to sleeping loose in the bedroom.
She has become quite an athletic dog, faster now than Cupcake, our 6 yr old Aussie/GSD cross and just as tall. Sunny's new buddy is our friends' 1 yr old border collie and she loved running and cutting with her when she came to visit. Sunny loves to go x-c skiing and hiking with us, and went on her first camping trip in early March to Utah.
On March 12th she turned 5 months old, 49.5 lbs and 22+" high at the shoulder.