Sunny turned four months old on February 12th! She got her 3rd set of boosters Jan 30th and a whole new world started opening up to her: puppy kindergarden, meeting other dogs, walking in new places. She even went to Petco last week for the first time. Way more acitvity, people, dogs, things than she has ever seen in one place - she did great and got lots of attention. Also walked the pedestrian bridge into town, lots of people, cars etc and a light metal section of the walkway that rattled and shook as we walked on it. We had the good luck to pass a young guy in a motorized wheelchair as we crossed the bridge and then pass him again on the way back. Unfortunately he was not one of the ones who stopped, but she shied the first time and did well the second time she saw him. As I want her to do TDI work later, this was really good! Lastly, we had a big breakthru this week on walking at heel!
On Feb 11th she had her first field trip to Aspen when we went up for the day with my mother and brother for my mom's 90th birthday! Aspen is a great dog-friendly town and we were stopped every few minutes by people wanting to pet her - she even got sweet talked to in Italian while she gave the man puppy kisses. We passed one store where a few women crowded to the window to see Sunny pass by. I stopped but they couldn't all see her where we were so I picked her up and carried her back to the window where 5 faces suddenly broke into big grins all at once, and they all said "oh!" and pointed and waved. Quite the kodak moment! Guess I'm not the only one who thinks she's adorable!